Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bali Hai

I haven't included any painted furniture in my shop @ Post & Gray yet, but found a few pieces of Henry Link's Bali Hai locally and have been lugging around the big daddy Ben Moore fan deck all weekend trying to decide what color to lacquer...

Any ideas?


  1. Wow..that looks like a fun project. What a great find. Can't wait to see what colour you decide on. Be sure to let us know!
    Best wishes for a great week!


  2. I am the queen of white, gray and brown... but for some reason I would want to paint that thing a glossy hot pink!! It looks like a piece that would either need to stay a clean white or go in the whole opposite direction.

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend Love!

  3. the F&B color you mentioned would be wonderful on those!

  4. I'm with Beatriz... hot pink would be so much fun.. I think like a deep bubble-gum pink!

  5. I've had the double dresser since I bought it and some other pieces in about 1972. Originally it was an light yellow - very '70s. It's been painted a creamy white to match the top and lived in the back of closets holding linens for 30 years. I'm thinking that painted a pink as mentioned above would make it perfect for my granddaughter who's the same age I was when I bought it. Too bad I didn't keep the cheval mirror and headboard.
